Sheffield Green Party will force a vote in Full Council next week over the Westwood Park wind farm proposals.They are putting forward a motion backing the Cabinet report of Feb 13th which proposed a feasibility study into a wind farm at Westwood Park, High Green. Green Councillor Rob Murphy commented ‘Wind power is an important part of the solution to the current energy crisis, particularly in the U.K. and in a hilly city like Sheffield.’ He added ‘Local politicians should be looking at the evidence, not the scaremongering. They should be showing leadership on the issue by doing what is right for the city and its people’
Notice Of Motion Given By Councillor Jillian Creasy
That this Council:-
(a) notes the rapidly rising fuel prices and the related problems of energy security, economic stability and fuel poverty;
(b) further notes that Sheffield has a Regional Spatial Strategy target of 10.6 megawatts of renewable energy generation by 2010 and a Sheffield Development Framework commitment of 12 megawatts by 2010;
(c) also notes and accepts the decision of the Cabinet at its meeting on 13th February 13th 2008 relating to Developing Westwood Country Park for Wind Energy:
(d) believes that high energy prices have the greatest impact on the most vulnerable residents of our city;
(e) also believes that renewable energy is an important part of the solution and that wind power is a large and vital component of the necessary mix of such energies;
(f) resolves to continue the feasibility study into the wind farm project at Westwood Country Park, High Green and make an objective decision based on the findings of this study;
(g) believes that to reject proposals for the above wind power project without proper consideration will send a signal to developers that this Council would be unfriendly to future schemes and that this runs contrary to the current administration’s claims to support business;
(h) directs that consideration be given to allocating 5% of Council profits from this and future renewable energy projects to the local community; and
(i) resolves to encourage financial investment by members of local communities in future projects.