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Green politicians support windfarm at Sheephouse Heights

Green Party politicians in Sheffield have come out in support of the windfarm at Sheephouse Heights, on the border of Sheffield and Barnsley near Stocksbridge. Local Stocksbridge Town Councillor Dan Lyons has been outspoken in explaining the need for the development to the local community. He has the support of Sheffield City Councillor and leader of the Green Group, Cllr Jillian Creasy and Steve Barnard, the Green Party’s local candidate in the forthcoming European elections. The Greens are urging members of the public to write to Barnsley Council in support of the planning application to erect the five proposed 125m turbines.

Cllr Dan Lyons said:

“Scientists now realise we have less than 10 years to start seriously curbing greenhouse gas emissions if we are to prevent a rapid rise in world temperature which could lead not only to huge impacts in and of itself, but would trigger runaway climate change.

This is an urgent situation. Our community must grasp the bigger picture and play our part in producing clean energy. These efficient turbines could produce electricity for 9000 homes, roughly equivalent to a town the size of Stocksbridge. The site at Sheephouse Heights is far from pristine, untouched nature and already contains several large pylons and masts. Far from being an eyesore, I hope these slim, elegant structures will turn out to be a famous Stocksbridge landmark and a beacon of hope and forward-thinking. In the future, Stocksbridge folk will be able to look at their grandchildren and say: ‘Yes, we did something, we didn’t just bury our heads in the sand and betray our children and future generations’.”

Cllr Creasy said:

“Sheffield City Council should support this application. The Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg MP has called for a massive expansion in renewable energy and backed the Greenpeace call for green jobs, yet in Sheffield the Lib Dem administration scuppered a feasibility study into a wind farm at Westwood Country Park and voted against the Greens’ call to support a windfarm at Sheephouse Heights. It was good to visit the site with Dan and to see how the turbines would fit into the landscape.”

Steve Barnard, European candidate said:

“The UK could be a world leader in the renewable energy industry. We are better placed than anywhere else in Europe to access this source of power, but are failing badly to realise our potential. The Sheephouse development is important as we look to begin to generate more electricity which is clean and safe.”


Further info contact:

· Cllr Dan Lyons: 07799 117695 /

· Cllr Jillian Creasy: 07743 675650

· Steve Barnard: 0114 296 7396

PHOTO: Stocksbridge Cllr Lyons (right) shows his Sheffield colleagues (Steve Barnard and Cllr Creasy) where the wind farm would be sited. Stocksbridge is in the background.

Topics: Dan Lyons, Energy, Jillian Creasy, Steve Barnard, Stocksbridge and Upper Don

There are 3 Responses to Green politicians support windfarm at Sheephouse Heights

30th June 2011

I was looking at joining the Green Party as I feel very strongly over many issues. Where I am disappointed is the support for the giant turbines on Sheephouse Wood.

Personally I would support 10 – 12 smaller turbines rather than the huge ones proposed.


As I understand them the smaller ones are more likely to turn in lower wind and are much more efficient in higher winds where the taller model has to be feathered to reduce the speed of the turbines and prevent the rotor ends reaching supersonic speeds.

Why don’t all government, council buildings, schools etc have their own PV and mini- wind generators?

Best Regards

Dave Emsley

    30th June 2011

    Dave: Turbines : I’m not an expert in this area but it must be in the applicants best interests to choose the most efficient option. And if its smaller turbines then that has to help them get the application passed in face of protest. So I would be very surprised if they have ignored smaller turbines if they are more efficient.

    PV and mini generators : When Birmingham announced their big renewables push after the new FITs rules announced in summer 2010 we put a motion for Sheffield council to urgently evaluate this. 3 months later we had to put another “where’s the report” motion. Then the Lib Dems put forward a plan for the city to have 20% renewable energy by 2020. But it was just an election stunt safe in the knowledge that they would lose control of the council. We will keep on pushing – there are some cosmetic projects but they are not delivering the energy

    I look forward to you joining us – lots of Sheffield members are interested in renewable energy and many are involved in projects or have green jobs.

30th June 2011

Jillian Creasy writes
Dear Dave
I wonder where you heard that small wind turbines are more efficient? As I understand it, the bigger ones are more efficient. This is why mini-wind generators are not widely used. PV is a different matter, that is effective even on a small scale. Good question why all public buildings don’t have PV. Especially as, until April next year, any excess electricity will attract the Feed in Tariff (FiT) of 43p a unit (after that it will start to drop). Green Councillors have been pushing the council since the FiT was announced this time last year, to start putting PV on any building it could, including schools and council houses. But so far, we have seen no more than a report saying it would be a good idea. We keep asking …