Councillor Jillian Creasy speaking outside Sheffield University at the March Against the Cuts, Saturday 23rd October 2010
Sheffield Green Party has called for substantial changes to the South Yorkshire transport strategy, which is now under consultation. The Greens say the strategy needs to do much more to tackle congestion, road safety and air quality.
The Greens agree that the strategy needs to make it easier for people to change their travel patterns. But they want to see much greater moves away from car use, with a significant increase in walking, cycling and public transport.
Green Party councillor Jillian Creasy commented “To improve health, increase road safety and tackle congestion, we need to give people a real alternative to travelling by car. Improving public transport and the safety of pedestrians and cyclists would be of benefit to all road users.”
She added “Previous governments and strategies have failed. It’s now time to face up to these problems and take the actions necessary to improve people’s lives.”