Thank you to the many people that applied for this post. We were bowled over by the quality of the applications and wish we could have offered all of you a job. We have shortlisted and interviews are planned for next week.
Sheffield & Rotherham Green Party
is looking for a part-time administrative assistant.
Would you like to play an essential part in keeping SRGP’s admin running smoothly?
Could you
keep our records perfectly
work with green party members
help keep our fantastic website up to date?
12 hours per week two evenings per month home-based 6 months contract
£8.10 per hour plus home working allowance
Closing date Friday 10th December 2010
Download full details (pdf) , information for applicants, and an application pack (pdf) here.
If you would rather wordprocess your application you can email Judith Rutnam for a word version of the application form.