Sheffield Greens are very pleased to announce the formation of the University of Sheffield Green Party Society. To get in touch join the Facebook Group of the same name.
The launch meeting with Peter Tatchell speaking on “How capitalism has failed the world” is on Monday December 6th at the Students Union from 4.30 to 6pm (speakers from 4.50pm). The room is the Raynor Lounge which is accessed via Bar One which has an entrance on Glossop Road. Jillian will also be speaking about what we are doing and can do locally. Peter is keen for this to be an open meeing to get numbers up so please come if you can. At 6.30 Peter Tatchell is speaking at Firth Court in the University as part of the Gay Icons series of events. Admission is just £4/£3 or £2 and you get a glass of wine. More information at and you should be able to pay on the door. Peter is a great campaigner and speaker so please try and attend one or both of these events – establishing a student group after years of trying is a very important priority.
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