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No more Hiroshimas

Keiko Miyamoto is a volunteer guide at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

Keiko Miyamoto is a volunteer guide at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

Topics: City Wide, Video, War and Disarmament

There are 2 Responses to No more Hiroshimas

7th August 2011

Yep, and lets hope we have no more Japans like the one of 1935-1945 which invaded other countries, committed atrocities that made the Nazis look like amateurs and who wouldn’t surrender, and were determined to kill as many of the enemy (the allies) as they could.

What would you have done?

    7th August 2011

    Please see
    However awful the Japanese Government were in 1945 there is no excuse for the mass murder of 180,000 innocent civilians. Surely this makes us just as bad as the Japanese? It is also well documented that the Japanese were already close to surrender when the Hiroshima bomb was dropped.
    What we urgently need to do now is work for the global abolition of all nuclear weapons.