We have supported the young and young parents, through the Surestart
campaign, trying to ensure they continue to offer help to young families.
We have supported the growing, campaigning against academies and free
schools, trying to ensure the development of real education instead of
elitist gimmicks.
We have supported sixth formers, campaigning against the abolition of EMA,
trying to make sure our emerging adults can make the most of their
We have supported students and potential students, campaigning against
tuition fees, trying to maintain the principle of free education for all.
We have supported the low and medium paid, campaigning for fairer wages and
taxes, because a healthy society needs people with the time to bring up
their children and support their communities
We have supported the vulnerable in society, campaigning against the
Welfare Reform Bill, trying to maintain and improve the support needed for
them to participate fully.
We have supported the sick, campaigning against the Health and Social Care
Bill, trying to make sure the principle of free treatment at the point of
need is protected.
We have supported the elderly, campaigning for real pensions, and against
reductions in benefits, because we will all be old one day, and we deserve
to be treated well.
We have supported all living people, and all those still to be born –
future people – by campaigning against climate change, because we care about
our children and grandchildren.
We have supported ordinary taxpayers by advancing real, costed and fair
alternatives to the agenda of cuts advanced by the other parties
We are the Green Party.