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Please help stop the Government’s plans to privatise the Health Service in Sheffield

Sheffield Greens urge you to support this petition from  38 Degrees. They write

“The government’s plans to privatise and fragment our NHS are taking shape in Sheffield Central.

Local doctors are forming a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for the area. They’re going to get new powers to decide what health services you and your neighbours are able to access and who provides them.

Whether it’s treatment for diabetes, skin conditions, a broken arm or depression, profit-hungry companies like Virgin Care and Serco are circling, ready to bid for contracts by promising to slash costs.

The doctors on your local CCG will be under pressure from the government to hand out contracts to private companies. That could put vital services at risk.  But the last thing most doctors want is to carve up our NHS for private profit. Plus, the new CCG has a legal duty to listen to local people.

So right now, we’ve got a big chance to ask local doctors to use their new powers to protect our NHS, not privatise it. Together, we can make sure they hear from hundreds of local people as they make these crucial decisions.”

Can you add your name to the petition to your local CCG now?”





Topics: City Wide, Featured, Health, Privatisation