Cllr Rob Murphy (left) with Flockton Court resident Richard Madden (right) who submitted the Rockingham St petition.
Sheffield Green Party is supporting city centre residents who are bringing petitions to council on December 5th. Councillors were advised on November 19th that an Experimental Traffic Order will introduce taxi ranks for up to 50 vehicles in total on Rockingham St, Carver St and Burgess St “hopefully in time for the busy Christmas period.”
Central ward Cllr Rob Murphy comments : “Rockingham Street is one of the most densely populated streets in Sheffield. There are lots of non residential streets where taxi ranks can be sited within easy walking distance of pubs, bars and clubs. Why put them on a small part of a street where about 450 people live and where guidance states noise should be minimised after 12.30am at night ?. We want to maintain a reasonable balance between the needs of residents and the night time economy.’
He continues : ‘Flockton Court and Smithfield have 152 flats and apartments while Phoenix Court has 93 flats with up to 3 students in each. Because of this the street is subject to “Interim Planning Guidance on Night Time Uses “. The guidance states “the amenity of existing and future residents should particularly be protected from undue noise and disturbance after a reasonable time of night. ”
Notes :
1- The petition from residents of Rockingham St has 95 signatures and reads :
“We, the undersigned, object to the Experimental Traffic Regulation order for taxi ranks for 13 vehicles on Rockingham Street until 6am. The street is subject to “Interim Planning Guidance on Night Time Uses ” due to the 245 flats and apartments adjacent to or opposite the proposed ranks. The guidance states “the amenity of existing and future residents should particularly be protected from undue noise and disturbance after a reasonable time of night. “
2- The petition from residents of Cambridge Court, Carver St, has 13 signatures and reads :
“We, the undersigned residents of Cambridge Court, Carver Street, object to the Experimental Traffic Regulation order for taxi ranks for 17 vehicles on Carver Street until 6am.”
3 – The following notification was received by councillors on November 19th :
Dear Councillors and Community Assembly Members
Please find enclosed details relating to a proposed Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) which will affect streets, in the Central Ward and within the Central Community Assembly area. The effect of the ETRO will be to introduce additional taxi rank spaces and amend existing waiting/loading restrictions on Rockingham Street, Carver Street and Burgess Street as described below and as shown on the attached plans.
– Rockingham Street – Taxi ranking for up to 13 vehicles will be provided to serve the Soya bar. The ranks will be available for use by taxis during the evening/night, during the daytime the existing prohibition of waiting will apply.
– Burgess Street – The existing taxi rank is to be removed and replaced by a larger rank, for up to 20 taxis, on the opposite side of Burgess Street. Additional loading restrictions will ensure that traffic can pass the taxi rank and also help maintain access, during the working day, for delivery vehicles into a service yard.
– Carver Street – Taxi ranking for up to 17 taxis will be provided to serve local bars /clubs. An existing loading bay and a short section of Pay & Display parking will be removed, at present both are currently underused, and additional waiting/loading restrictions will be introduced to help maintain traffic flows and pedestrian access.
The Carver Street proposals are being introduced in response to a request from South Yorkshire Police to assist members of the public wishing to leave this area by taxi during the evening/night time. The Rockingham Street and Burgess Street proposals have been requested by the taxi trade to improve the service offered to the public at these locations.
The cost of processing the ETRO and introducing the changes on street will be met from the Taxi Facilities Budget. Approval to make the ETRO has been granted under powers delegated to the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services.
The ETRO will enable the changes to be introduced in the near future, hopefully in time for the busy Christmas period. The ETRO can remain in force for up to a maximum period of 18 months during which time a decision will be made whether to make the restrictions permanent. The general public and other interested parties may comment and/or object to the proposals during the first 6 months they are in place. The decision on whether to the changes are made permanent will take into account how successfully the taxi ranks operate and also any comments/objections received.
If you have any queries on the taxi rank proposals please contact Richard Skelton on 273 4479 or by email at richard.skelton@sheffield.gov.uk.
If you have any queries regarding the ETRO process please contact Brian Hey on 273 6086 or at brian.hey@sheffield.gov.uk.
Yours sincerely
Brian Hey
Senior Engineer
Traffic Regulations Group