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Dignity not Detention

Sheffield Greens were today marching with Asylum Seekers in Sheffield to raise awareness of their plight. The event was organised by SYMAAG, South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group. It was part of a National Day of Action.

Dignity not detention march 29th June 2013

Here is the text of the leaflets that were distributed.

‘We want to contribute’ – End Destitution
of Asylum Seekers

Since 2003 Sheffield people have often demonstrated bringing various
concerns about the asylum system and the particular problems of
individuals and countries. This year we march with other cities as part of a National plea for dignity on 29th June as part of Refugee Week activity.

Asylum Destitution created by Government is wrongWe fled persecution, leaving our homes and families
seeking peace and safety. But for many of us, our
cases were disbelieved and our appeals for safety
rejected by the Home Office.
We are kicked out of our accommodation and our food
vouchers stopped. We are not allowed to work
We can’t access education,
We cannot receive benefits.
We cannot go home. We are stuck here like this for
We feel alone, depressed, isolated from society
We want to contribute, to be part of society and to pay
taxes. We are teachers, electricians, artists, business
men, doctors, farmers, students, parents, and friends.
We are human. How can a human survive like this? Stop
scapegoating us!.

SAM_0551Our supporters have campaigned to get Sheffield City Council to say the government’s policy on forced destitution is wrong. We are pleased to say that in March they voted unanimously to support us, and condemn this policy, Now, we want to help build a strong national campaign. We want to raise awareness and join together to call for an end to these unjust and inhumane laws. This campaign might not make our own lives better
but it will help those in the future who come seeking safety,
See for further details. Supported by City of Sanctuary, ASSIST and others.
Please join us.

First they came for the asylum seekers – then they came for the poor and jobless!

Myth Busters

Myth 1:Asylum Seekers get housing before local people.
Fact : They are initially housed on a separate national system run by
the Home Office, not Local Authorities; and if refused are
made homeless, and forced onto the streets.

Myth 2: They only come here because of our generous benefit
Fact : Research shows they have no knowledge of welfare benefits
and support before coming.


Myth 3 : They do not need to come here and we do not have any
responsibility to accept them.
Fact : Many did not know where their traffickers were taking them.
Others come from former English colonies. The UK has
signed up to the Declaration of Human Rights which obliges
us to accept refugees.

Myth 4 : The country is full; we can’t take any more.
Fact : Asylum seekers numbers are less than 3% of total immigration.


Stand up for Justice, the Right to Asylum
Freedom and Dignity for All


Topics: Asylum Seekers, City Wide, Council, Featured, General, Graham Wroe, Housing, Human Rights