The Green Party are supporting this important action organised by Sheffield Climate Alliance.
Join Sheffield Climate Alliance on a creative walk along Sheffield’s rivers…
Connect with the huge People’s Climate March in New York to lobby the UN Summit…
Make your voice heard for action on climate change now!
Meet at 1pm to walk along Sheffield’s Rivers and rally outside the Town Hall at 3pm
Blue for clean water and No Fracking: walk along the Upper Don
Black for divestment from Fossil Fuels and
Green for investment in renewable energy: walk along the Porter Brook
Red for Climate Jobs and Warm Homes: walk along the River Sheaf
Yellow for safe food and No Flooding: walk along the Lower Don
In September, world leaders are attending a UN summit in New York City on the climate change crisis. Ban Ki-moon is urging governments to support an ambitious global agreement to dramatically reduce global warming pollution
A massive People’s Climate March in New York City will demonstrate how people feel, and events are happening all over the world to get across one big global message: We actually have the tools and the plan we need to make sure we don’t cross into a world where tipping points destroy us.
Sheffield Climate Alliance are responding – with over 30 groups coming together under one big umbrella, we have planned four routes with different colour themes to converge at the Town Hall and say ‘It’s Time to Act’:
Blue: along the Upper Don starting from Hillsborough Corner (overlooking weir), contact
Black and Green: along the Porter Brook starting from Endcliffe Park (Bingham Park end), contact
Red: along the Sheaf starting from Millhouses Park (near cafe), contact
Yellow: along the Lower Don starting from Attercliffe Cemetery entrance, contact
The UK is still in the Top 20 list of countries for highest emissions released in the world. If you ever wondered what you could do to make a difference, this is your chance!
Be creative and wear or carry something for the colour or theme of the walk you’re joining! Sign up to join the event on like/share it on Facebook or We need people to help us in a variety ways, so get in touch with your ideas! For more info, email
Having seen the strength of feeling of the Yes vote in Glasgow, which was anti-Tory rather than anti-England, and having heard what Ed Balls is proposing today if Labour wins the next election I know Labour does not speak for me any more. The Green Party has a better plan for everyone.
Yes a £10 minimum wage does seem rather preferable to child benefit cuts and more austerity! Please join us Jan, we need people like you on board.