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Energy efficiency is common sense

Dear Sir,

annebarrscaledWe are constantly told we must have risky nuclear power and fracking to “keep the lights on”, but using energy efficiently can massively cut fuel use. A new EU directive is showing the way. From January 1, new routers, hubs, modems, televisions and printers must switch automatically into low power standby mode when not in use. It will save the average household £32 a year. The Green Party wants to go even further and has identified energy efficiency measures to reduce UK energy demand by 40% by 2030. Meanwhile the energy giants have persuaded our government, with generous political donations, to promote drilling for fossil fuels instead. Energy efficiency is common sense – it reduces fuel bills, addresses climate change and improves air quality.

Anne Barr
Central ward candidate, Sheffield Green Party

Topics: Anne Barr, Central, Energy, Environment