Young people are a massive part of the current surge in Green Party membership and support. At the Young Greens event at Sheffield University on 5/2/15 Amelia Womack, joint deputy leader of the Green Party, addressed an audience of mostly young people stating that, contrary to the notion that young people aren’t interested in politics – it is traditional politicians who don’t show an interest in young people and the issues that are important to them. It is because of this that many young people do not vote in elections.
Young Greens grow the Green Vote in Sheffield
8th February 2015
But young people do connect with the Green Party, and it is the Green Party who can get young people voting and engaging in politics, and particularly with the issues that concern them.
Rita Wilcock (PPC for Sheffield Heeley) and Peter Garbutt ( PCC for Sheffield Hallam ) attended this event and welcomed Sheffield Young Greens, Amelia Womack and Jillian Creasy ( PCC for our target constituency of Sheffield Central ).
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