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Festival of Debate

March and April is not only the run up to the most exciting General Election for years, it is also when Sheffield hosts the Festival of Debate.

Some highlights this month are listed below, but do download the brochure as there are lots of other events. Some events are free but all require tickets, so visit the website to book.

Shami Chakrabarti:

On Liberty Tues 10 March | 6:30pm | SU Auditorium
In association with The Exchange
As director of liberty, the UK’s most influential civil rights organisation, Shami Chakrabarti is a vocal advocate for civil rights and liberties.
This talk will draw inspiration from her recent book, On Liberty, in which she warns of the threats that currently face our democratic institutions.
Talk followed by a Q&a session and a book signing.

fracking demo 2Gasland2

Weds 18 March | 6pm | Union St
In association with Friends of the Earth
nominated for an academy award, Gasland 2 follows communities in the US affected by fracking. Written and directed by Josh Fox, Gasland 2 is the sequel to Gasland following Fox’s arrest.

Sheffield People’s Assembly against Austerity

Weds 25 March | 7-9pm | Central United Reformed Church
In association with Sheffield People’s Assembly, a public meeting with some local candidates for the General election. Come along and seek their views and policies on public spending cuts and the consequences of austerity. Sheffield people’s assembly is a local, non-party political group belonging to the national people’s assembly against austerity.

The Problem with Immigration

Weds 25 March | 7pm | Union St
This election cycle’s hot potato. A meeting to frankly discuss the issues surrounding immigration and how best to tackle them.
An open discussion facilitated by Adam Clark.
A free event.

Politics of the Street: Why are there still people rough sleeping in 2015?

Thurs 26 March | 3-5pm | Union St
In association with Big Issue in the North, SAVE and Roundabout a discussion led by a panel and audience Q&A
Examines the issues facing people who sleep rough or are in temporary, unsuitable or vulnerable housing. We will also hear from people affected in this way about the actions they would like to see to address these issues, as well as ways to overcome barriers to political engagement.

Climate Change: Solutions to Inaction

Thurs 26 March | 6:30pm | Union St
With the combined pressures of an increasing population, dwindling fossil fuels and the
damaging effects of burning those fossil fuels on our climate, the need to move to a carbon-
free economy is paramount for individuals, companies and governments alike. This talk will describe some solutions to reduce our carbon output.

Councillor Jillian CreasyDevolution Debate

Weds 8 Apr | 7:30pm | Central United Reformed Church
In association with Nigel Slack, Active Citizen
Devolution and Sheffield – how far should it go? A discussion with public questions looking at the impact of devolution on the city. What do we want and what might we get? A panel of politicians, including Jillian Creasy Paul Blomfield MP and community activists and academics talking about and fielding questions on one of the hot topics of the General election campaign.

Topics: Asylum Seekers, Climate Change, Devolution, Environment, Human Rights, International, Jillian Creasy, population, Public Meetings