I was at the very well attended public meeting on 4th March regarding the proposals to create a new Medical Centre and Library on the site of the present Woodseats Library.
The proposal to incorporate community facilities alongside a pharmacy are imaginative and should offer local residents and especially those with disabilities a much needed fit-for-purpose building.
However, I have two reservations: firstly the legitimate concerns of local residents about the use of congested minor roads to provide the main access to the site. Secondly, that council owned land is being transferred into private hands. This could be sold off to a commercial body in the future, which might seek to raise revenue from community facilities.
Understandably, the 7th March meeting was largely taken up with local residents’ concerns about traffic and parking in the vicinity, so the positive benefits of the proposal were not fully discussed. We would welcome further public consultation to deal with the access and parking issues, and to explore the benefits of the proposal further.
If these reservations can be overcome, Heeley Consituency Green Party would be very pleased to endorse this wonderful new resource for our community.
Yours sincerely,
Rita Wilcock
Green Party candidate for Sheffield Heeley