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Natalie Bennett to speak at Anti Austerity Demo on Saturday

austerityallpainnogainjillianandnatalieSheffield Greens are supporting an anti austerity demonstration this Saturday, 16th May. Meet at Devonshire Green and gather behind the Green Party banner.

Green Party leader Natalie Bennett will be among the speakers.

This from the organisers.

Austerity isn’t working. The last five years of the ConDem government has shown this, as wealth inequality continues to increase at astonishing levels, food banks are used more than ever and cuts to public services have seriously impacted those already most vulnerable in society.
Now, we are faced with another five years of Tory-driven austerity measures. Whilst many voted for numerous anti-austerity parties up and down the nation, the flawed and undemocratic electoral system has barely seen any of these parties elected. We must not stay silent. Politics does not end at the ballot box. We must take to the streets and demand that Sheffield council stand up to austerity.

But this isn’t just about austerity. The Tories have recently made plans to repeal the Human Rights Act, and to repeal the Fox Hunting ban, while further privatisation of public services, including the NHS, is on the horizon.

Join us for a demonstration against austerity and the various damaging policies that come with it, starting at Devonshire Green and marching to the Town Hall. Invite everyone you know.

Protest called and supported by members of various organisations, groups, campaigns and movements across Sheffield.”

Topics: City Wide, Cuts, Economy

There is One Response to Natalie Bennett to speak at Anti Austerity Demo on Saturday

14th May 2015

The Green Party are anti austerity, other parties are not. Unsure what ‘the demo’ wants the council to do to stand up to austerity, however it would be helpful if Labour councillors would issue a statement saying the they believe the national party was mistaken in its belief any more austerity was needed, and that they will stand with the people if Sheffield against it.