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Green Drinks

These casual social events have focussed on topics such as community development and the green surge and has attracted people from all over Sheffield and Rotherham. “Having a drink and a chat in a relaxed environment can create spontaneous connections and ideas that otherwise would never have occured” explains Green Drinks organiser, Declan Walsh. “We wanted to create a space that means like-minded people, who may or may not be greens, can come together and discuss issues that matter to them and their communities”.

Declan, who is also a Sheffield Green Party Membership Officer is delighted with the attendance: “It’s really great to see conversations happening between strangers who are interested in different aspects of community, social justice and green issues and making new connections. We’ve had about 40 people at each event and I see new faces each time. It’s good seeing Green Party members and non-members discussing areas they agree and disagree on but always respectfully”.

Declan is keen not to make the Green Drinks another meeting: “I see it as a social event first and foremost; it’s informal with little structure and the only requirement is to come along and be willing to have a casual chat”.

So far there have been five such events with the intention to have them every month. Declan says: “We wanted to make sure as many people could come along as possible so the event day will vary between Tuesday and Thursday to allow people with existing commitments to take part”. While we have also varied the venue, and may do in the future, for now the Regather Cooperative venue fits well with our values.
The next Green Drinks will be on Thursday the 6th August 7pm-10pm at Regather Cooperative on Club Garden road (near Ring road/Waitrose).  We would love to see you there! For more information contact Declan: or check:

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