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Council treat residents as an inconvenience

Rob Murphy April 2012Last week Sheffield Council’s Cabinet gave the go ahead for another attempt at renegotiating the Highways PFI with Amey. Unfortunately the important parts of the report were once again restricted from public viewing. What we did learn is that while residents and opposition councillors are kept in the dark about this contract, top lawyers and accounting firms are being paid a fortune to study it.
Whether it is holes left in the ground for months on end, shoddy workmanship or threatened street trees, Sheffielders have many questions about what exactly has been agreed with Amey in this eye-wateringly expensive deal. Instead of using the public to help make sure the Council gets value for money, residents are treated as an inconvenience and excluded.

We should remember that Sheffield Council belongs to the people, not the Administration and their big business partners. It is time to be open and honest with the people who pay the bills.

Yours sincerely, Cllr Rob Murphy (Sheffield Green Party)

Topics: City Wide, Council, Rob Murphy, trees