Since then the incinerator has been rebuilt, despite protests from the Green Party which wanted the Council to move to a zero waste strategy. In doing so the Council locked themselves into a contract with Veolia that does not expire until 2036. The new incinerator was heralded as being much cleaner, but is it clean enough? The Star recently reported that the Study by Public Health England into the health effects of Incinerators has been delayed for two years.
People living near the incinerator want to know the reason for the delay. Residents have a right to know what extra risks they face to their health by living near an incinerator.
Sheffield Green Party is urging Public Health England to publish an interim report to explain what they have discovered so far.
Graham Wroe, Manor Castle Green Party
This letter was also published in the Star on 31st March 2016 http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/your-say/waiting-on-incinerator-1-7825485
Interesting article on this in Tribune. http://www.tribunemagazine.org/2014/06/could-air-pollution-kill-more-than-deprivation/
Harrow is a prosperous area of London yet has the highest figures for infant deaths. Why is this?