CAMRA have had to make a 3rd application to the council to designate the University Arms, Brook Hill, as an Asset of Community Value. Close to 2000 people signed a petition in 2014 against possible demolition – the likely fate of the boarded up Star and Garter, nearby on Winter Street.
In opposing previous applications, the University of Sheffield’s PR company falsely claims it is a student pub. Previously Club 197, the university staff club, it actually attracts a unique mix of students, staff, local residents and people from far and wide. It also hosts community clubs, events and functions and is the only all-inclusive social area on the University campus with a secure, closed garden.
The decision is due this month. I trust that sense will prevail and Asset of Community Value status will be granted this time.
Cllr Magid Magid
Broomhill & Sharrow Vale ward Green Party
A decision was due by 17th.February. So far, SCC have not announced a decision. Via SCC, Sheffield CAMRA received a nine-page letter from a legal company (Pinsent Masons) which attempted to cast doubt on our SCV application. We responded with a point-by-point rebuttal. – Dave (Sheffield CAMRA)