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We need to act urgently to get public transport back into public hands

It’s scandalous that the Sheffield to Rotherham tram-train will now cost £75 million instead of £15 million. But also that a further £2.5 million of taxpayers money will be paid to Stagecoach to compensate them for the 3 year delay. Originally, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive built Supertram at a cost of £240 million and, in 1997, just 2 years after it opened, sold it to Stagecoach for just £1.15 million. Stagecoach are now seeking more compensation for delayed upgrades on the East Coast main rail line.

Greens believe we need to act urgently to get public transport back into public hands. By taking back individual rail franchises when they expire, or when a company fails to meet its franchise conditions, the government could save £1 billion a year.  That could be spent on improving services and reducing rail fares. We also need to re-regulate buses, investing in increased bus services especially those at risk in rural and other poorly served areas.

Eamonn Ward
Sheffield Green Party

In reply to ‘Ministers considered scrapping Sheffield to Rotherham tram-train scheme due to ballooning costs says report‘, Sheffield Star.

Topics: City Wide, Eamonn Ward, Featured, Letters to the press, Transport