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We need more affordable housing

In January, I wrote about property developers trying to get out of “affordable housing” contributions.

Now the Government has weakened Councils’ control over planning permission, it is easier for developers to avoid conditions that create affordable housing, safeguard the environment and protect neighbouring properties from nuisance and noise.

So I am very pleased to see Michael Miller’s 38 Degrees petition to “make housing developers be transparent about costs in Sheffield” has reached over 2,500 signatures. This is enough to get the issue debated at the Council’s Scrutiny committee. The petition wants developers back up their affordability claims with evidence.

Sheffield definitely needs more affordable housing (as well as decent social housing). Bristol and other councils have already introduced policies like this. It would be good if Sheffield caught up with them.

Cllr Douglas Johnson
Sheffield Green Party, City Ward

Topics: City Ward, City Wide, Council, Douglas Johnson, Featured, Housing, Letters to the press