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Opposition Unites to Scrutinise Council Streetcleaning Proposals

Sheffield’s Green and Lib Dem councillors have called in a decision by Council Leader Julie Dore to cut litter clearance and remove vegetation from council land. The decision which modifies the Highway’s PFI contract has been taken without consultation and using trials that involved no publicity.

In a report, the Council said, “It is likely that residents will notice an increase in litter” as well as calling the current service “gold plated”.

Cllr. Penny Baker, Lib Dem deputy leader, said,

“Back in March, we found money to not only save our street cleaning budget from cuts but invest more money in it but this was voted against by the majority Labour group. How can residents have pride in our area if even the council doesn’t.

“I’ve had numerous complaints about litter, fly-tipping, graffiti and dog fouling. There’s even been reports in the local press about needles left on streets. The Labour council may not think litter is an issue, but I certainly do!”

Green City Ward Councillor Rob Murphy commented,

“Clearing litter is one of the basic services that people expect from their council. While we need to work on long term solutions like deposits on bottles, it is important any changes are made with the support of the public. Here Sheffield Labour have carried on with their ‘we know best’ attitude that will leave our streets dirtier.”

The decision is due to be brought to the Economic and Environmental Scrutiny Board at 10am on November 2nd.

Topics: City Wide, Council, Featured, Rob Murphy