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There’s a strong case for 20mph zones

It’s good to question the actions of Sheffield Council as Mike Lawton does in this letters page on city centre 20mph zone proposals (Star 8 November). Too much is being pushed through by the Labour cabinet ignoring the views of the public and opposition councillors.

Mike outlines the case against, as he sees it. I would point readers to where you can see the case for 20mph zones. The campaign’s main focus has always been road safety. More than half of road deaths and serious injuries occur on roads with 30mph limits. Lowering urban and residential speed limits to 20 mph cuts child pedestrian accidents by up to 70%.

The city centre scheme covers a clearly defined area within the ring road where drivers will be aware of the 20 mph speed limit and can adapt to it. Sheffield Green Party supports the proposal for city centre 20mph speed limits other than on main roads.

Cllr Douglas Johnson
Sheffield Green Party

Letter to the Sheffield Star in response to

Topics: City Ward, Council, Douglas Johnson, Featured, Letters to the press, Transport