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Have your say on devolution

Have Your Say

Sheffield has the ambition to grow its economy through devolution. Tell us which devolution model you think Sheffield should pursue.

What is Devolution?

Government is offering places in England the chance to have more responsibility and control over decisions that effect their area. It’s not about taking away powers from councils. This would mean that more decisions about spending on public services would be made here rather than by the Government in London. It could also help to strengthen our economy and increase the number of jobs.

Help us to decide

Before any new powers are formalised by government we need to find out your views about which devolution model you think we should pursue.

It’s important for every resident and business in Sheffield to give their opinion. We’re just asking a single question.

The poll closes on midnight on the 21st December. Please respect this poll and only vote if you are entitled to vote in Sheffield elections.

Topics: General

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