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Greens oppose Minor Injuries Unit closure

Proposals to close the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at the Hallamshire Hospital and the Walk-In Centre on Broad Lane may work for accountants looking at spreadsheets.  But it makes clear sense to keep both at their current locations which have good transport links from across the city. Not move them to the Northern General, which Sheffield Save Our NHS (SSONHS) rightly says is not “an accessible or acceptable alternative for people in other parts of Sheffield.”

The online consultation forces to you to choose one of a number of unacceptable options throughout – keeping the current locations is not offered.

What is the point of a consultation that doesn’t let you comment on the main proposals?

The suggestion that the proposed changes will mean simpler and less confusing service options for users has no obvious basis.

SSONHS sums up the situation well for the Minor Injuries Unit. It is “an effective and much valued service with a high degree of patient satisfaction. Many of us have used it ourselves.” My family have used it along with 18,000 people annually at the Hallamshire.

Sheffield Green Party has been helping SSONHS to collect signatures for their petition opposing the MIU’s closure. Lots of residents have signed it and many have said they’ve used the MIU.

The Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group consultation is open until January 31st at Sign the SSOHNS petition at

Kaltum Rivers
Broomhill & Sharrow Vale ward Green Party

Letter to the Star in response to

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