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History:Brightside Lane warehouse fire 1984

On 14th December 1984 there was a massive fire at the National Freight Consortium warehouse  building on Brightside Lane. This led to asbestos fibres and noxious fumes being spread over large areas of North Sheffield and the Dearne Valley. Sheffield Ecology Party called for a full enquiry into the effects of the fire.

In 1985 the Health and Safety Executive published their findings but there was always suspicion that the health effects were underestimated.

Map of Brightside Fire Fall-out

Map of Brightside Fire Fall-out (jpg)


Topics: 1984, History, pollution

There is One Response to History:Brightside Lane warehouse fire 1984

14th July 2014

all our possessions were lost in this fire when my wife and I and two children were moving house – as were many many other people’s – keep up the good work
