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Greens call to stop Public Transport cuts

busSheffield Green Party has called on members of South Yorkshire’s Integrated Transport Authority to reject proposals to remove over £2m from the area’s public transport budget. The Greens say the cuts will cause greater social exclusion and reduce access for vulnerable groups. An amendment to a Labour motion has been tabled for the Sheffield council meeting on February 6th.

Green Cllr and Transport Spokesperson Rob Murphy commented: ‘We hope that the Labour-run Authority will reject the cuts proposal and invest savings back into improving public transport. Cuts from Central Government are bad enough without our local authorities joining in and reducing vital public services.’

He added: ‘At times of economic hardship and high fuel prices we need good public transport to help people to access jobs and services. These cuts would have the greatest effect on those already suffering the most. ”


– The South Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority is made up of 12 elected members from the 4 South Yorkshire councils, including 5 councillors from Sheffield.

– The following amendment to motion 10 has been tabled by the Green group :

Additions :
p. Notes the proposed cut of over £2m to the 2013/14 grant for the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive.

q. Understands that any decision to cut the grant is made by the Integrated Transport Authority which includes 5 elected members from Sheffield.

r. Believes that at a time of economic hardship and rising fuel prices, public transport is vitally important prevent social exclusion and allow access to opportunities for all members of our communities.

s. Calls on all Sheffield members of the Integrated Transport Authority to oppose any cuts to the PTE grant for 2013/14 and invest any budget savings in improvements to South Yorkshire’s public transport network.

Topics: City Wide, Council, Cuts, Featured, Rob Murphy, Transport