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The People’s March for the NHS. The new Jarrow Crusade.

IMG_1144 LE(1)A new Jarrow Crusade is passing through Sheffield later this August. The marchers are campaigning to save our NHS. You can read all about the march here. Started by a group of mums from Darlington concerned at the growing privatisation of the NHS, they want a return to Nye Bevan’s founding principles, which were to provide medical care free at point-of-need to all Britons.

The important local dates are

Monday 25th August: March from Barnsley to Sheffield, rally in Weston Park in the afternoon


Tuesday 26th August:Rally outside Sheffield Town Hall in the morning including speech from Councillor Jillian Creasy then march to  Chesterfield.

You can register to join the march for 1 mile, 10 miles or the whole 300! We will have more details nearer the time but to find out more visit



Topics: Central, City Wide, Cuts, General, Health, Jillian Creasy, Privatisation, Public Meetings