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Please help us fund our General Election deposits.

Sheffield Green Party have so far selected 3 candidates for the General Election. Each candidate needs a £500 election deposit. Please follow these links to help us fund them.

Due to our recent massive increase in membership we have also decided to stand in Brightside and Hillsborough and Sheffield South East. Candidate selection for these constituencies is now underway.

Larger parties often take donations from big business interests, but the Green Party is not funded in that way. Our campaigns are mainly powered by party members and supporters like you.

Please help us support your local parliamentary candidate by giving what you can. With donations starting at just £1 we hope everyone can get involved. To donate, click on the constituency you want to support, decide how much you would like to contribute and click on CONTRIBUTE NOW.  You will then be forwarded to our crowdfunding website where you can make your donation. Many thanks for your support.


JillianCreasyJan2015scaled  Peter Garbutt rail demo Jan 15scaled  Rita Wilcock at Green Party conference
Sheffield CentralJillian Creasy Sheffield HallamPeter Garbutt Sheffield HeeleyRita Wilcock
white-logoSheffield South East  white-logoBrightside and Hillsborough

Topics: Brightside, Central, City Wide, General, Hallam, Heeley, Hillsborough, Jillian Creasy, Peter Garbutt, Rita Wilcock, South East

There are 4 Responses to Please help us fund our General Election deposits.

23rd January 2015

Are there any green candidates standing in Rotherham, s. Yorks? Or a green group?

24th January 2015

Thanks for your interest. We will be standing in a lot more wards in the council elections but not in the general election. There is a group and we can add you to our supporters list if you e-mail me at Please look at the Rotherham Green party Facebook page where information has recently been posted on our target election ward which is Wath. The flyer we are about to deliver there was posted on the Rotherham Politics website on Monday.

1st February 2015

Which Green Party area / ward does Upperthorpe S6 fall under ?