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Green Party get Sheffield into fast track mortgage scheme

Cllr Jillian Creasy

Sheffield City Council has passed a Green Party amendment at their full council meeting (Dec 3) to ask to be included in the Government’s £200 million Mortgage Rescue scheme. The scheme will help up to 6,000 of  the most vulnerable households to avoid the trauma of repossession over the next two years. More than 60 councils throughout England will be ‘fast tracked, and applications will be taken up from the beginning of December.

Green Party councillor Bernard Little said. “More than 70,000 home owners each year are facing repossession. With 1.7 million people on the waiting list for social housing it is far better that people canstay in their home and pay rent rather than become homeless.

“I hope that the government can also provide more help for independent financial and legal advice, as well as the incentives to build more affordable social housing. Two thirds of people in Sheffield are unable to get a mortgage, and they need good quality Council, Housing Association, and Co-operative housing for rent.


Topics: City Wide, Council, Housing, Jillian Creasy, Poverty