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Poor staff health and high sickness levels in the NHS

Dear Editor

The NHS Health and Wellbeing report just released highlights poor
staff health and high sickness levels . Clearly patients should come
into an environment that leads by example on personal health and well
As a former manger with over twenty years of working experience in
the health service, I have seen examples of outdated, and inflexible
premises. Cramped office spaces with poor light and ventilation. Staff
allowed to work through lunch hours, eating unhealthy food from NHS
canteens at their desks. Outdated computer systems with staff expected
to cope with rapid implementation of the latest government directives.
More and more managers brought in to achieve government targets rather
than look after staff and their well being.

There remains a high level of dedication among clinical, and non
clinical staff which keeps the NHS functioning but it is being eroded
as health care and services are sold off to private companies.
Management and staff communication rarely goes beyond the meeting of
centrally imposed government targets.

The report says that “Trusts that take health and well being seriously
perform consistently better on measures of quality, patient safety and
efficiency.” So acting on this report will benefit us all. But can
trusts and the government see beyond targets and get back in touch
with the actual needs of staff and patients?. The Green party remains
committed to a fully integrated, publicly funded, NHS with free
services for all at the point of use.

Frank Wylie,
Sheffield Green Party.

Topics: City Wide, Frank Wylie, Health, Letters to the press