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Green concerns about “Raising Attainment and Aspiration”

Cllr Jillian Creas

October 27th 2008

Town Hall
S1 2HH

Dear Sir

Of course Green Councillors care about young people (Cllr Andy Sangar, Star letters, 23rd October). The Lib Dems are worried that Sheffield schools are not hitting government targets and have launched a consultation called
“Raising Attainment and Aspiration”. But the report does not ask the most
pressing questions, i.e.

1 . How can we help teachers spend more time teaching and less time meeting targets, such as SATs?
2 . How can we give extra support to schools in the most needy areas of the
3 . How can we make school enjoyable so children want to attend and behave well?

Children should learn reading, writing and arithmetic and life skills for a
changing world. They should also be encouraged to aim high because everyone is good at something. Will we do this by hitting targets and removing heads who fail to deliver? Or by supporting staff and and interesting young people?

Cllr Sangar seems to forget this is still a consultation. By contrast, the
Greens welcome genuine debate. Phone 273 5807 for a copy of the report or find it on the Sheffield City Council website. Make your views known and
show you care too .


Cllr Jillian Creasy
Sheffield Green Party

Topics: City Wide, Education, Jillian Creasy, Letters to the press