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Stop nuisance “cold calls” and junk mail

Gareth Roberts, candidate for Gleadless Valley Constituency

Gareth Roberts, candidate for Gleadless Valley Constituency

Dear Editor

“Confused, Sheffield S8” (Letters 31 January) will be pleased to know the vast majority of cold calls can be stopped by registering with the Telephone Preference Service. Registration is easy to do yourself at It is effective in 28 days and the difference it makes is amazing. You can also stop most of your junk mail by registering with the Mailing Preference Service at Some will still get through including that hand delivered by Royal Mail.

Hopefully “Confused, Sheffield S8” and many others feeling the same
frustration now know how easy it is to put a stop to this increasing


Gareth Roberts
Sheffield Green Party

Topics: City Wide, Gareth Roberts, Letters to the press, Waste

There are 2 Responses to Stop nuisance “cold calls” and junk mail

22nd August 2012

Royal Mail Opt Out doesn’t work! What is the point of Royal Mail Opt Out? I have just renewed for another two years, wishfully thinking that this will stop the junk mail. During the first two years I have still been receiving regular junk mail off RM. I have complained to the Postal Review Panel on numerous occasions and still it comes. The local sorting office manager has assured me that the junk mail will stop but it doesn’t. Perhaps I should post it all back to the RM chief, Moya Greene. Why should we have to opt out anyway? Why not opt in to junk mail? I have not spoken to anyone who wants this through their letterbox despite RM’s claim that a large percentage of their customers do. HELP!!

26th August 2012

Royal Mail’s “opt out” only stops the Royal Mail delivering leaflets that aren’t addressed to anyone.


To stop junk mail, you need to register with the Mailing Preference Service.