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Greens hold balance of power

Green Party councillors are once again holding the balance of power between the much larger Lib Dem and Labour groups on the City Council,alongside Cllr FrankTaylor, an Independent.

Cllr Jillian Creasy

Cllr Jillian Creasy said, “The Greens were the first party to call for a cross party coalition to unite our politically divided city. We envisaged a Cabinet of all talents with a council leader willing to set aside his or her party politics for the
good of the city. When this idea was rejected, we declined the offer of
a coalition with just the Lib Dems”.
The Greens say that although Sheffield City Council’s new constitution gives more power to the leader and less to Full Council, they will continue to campaign on issues on their merits, challenging inequalities in health, education and housing and workingfor a more sustainable city.


Topics: City Wide, Council, Jillian Creasy