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Seize the Day play Sheffield

Seize the Day are to play in Sheffield on Saturday 3rd July, at Fusion Bar, University Student’s Union, 8pm.
If you’ve heard Seize the Day before, you’ll need no encouragement to come and hear them. Their strap line – “beautiful, bold frontline folk” – hardly does them justice. Powerful and rhythmically exciting music with politically, environmentally and socially engaged lyrics, they are England’s greenest band and have come close in previous years to winning BBC Folk artistes of the year awards.

Profits from the gig will go to Sheffield and Rotherham Green Party, so please do your best to get there and bring lots of friends, who will be assured of a great evening.

You can buy tickets (£8, or £4 concessions)  from Airy Fairy on London Road, Rare and Racy Devonshire Street, University Students Union Box Office.  Please note that the minimum age for admission to this event is 14.

Flyer to print off and give to friends

Check out Seize the Day here.

Topics: City Wide, Entertainment

There are 2 Responses to Seize the Day play Sheffield

21st May 2010

Immediate concern with the “gig” being at the Students union.
Is it still the case that “Non students” have to sign in a book or show a pass to gain entrance to student buildings?

Clarity on this and also on the venue….as there are TWO universities in Sheffield and therefore TWO universities students unions….will be helpful ASAP.

Otherwise, GREAT that Seize the Day have agreed to play – looking forward to it..and that funds will be raised for Sheff and Roth Green parties.

Obviously much funding WILL be needed by them to re-fill the coffers emptied by the less than successful 2010 election results.
I had hoped that the 25th and therefore “anniversary” Sheffield Green Fair could have been a TWO day event with a headlining or headlining musical bands..STD or order to “acknowledge” 25years, raise the profile of SGP AND raise many more MUCH NEEDED funds.

Sadly, it seems, this is NOT to be the case.

Perhaps, Just perhaps, maybe, there are TOO MANY MC’s in the echelons/membership of Sheffield Green party and perhaps, just perhaps, they have still NOT GOT A CLUE how to go about social inclusion and social integration.
Sadly….after ALL these years.

C’est la vie.

Que sera, sera….eh?

5th July 2010

Yeah, Que sera, sera.
I went to this excellent all round gig and, as predicted and feared above…was entirely what happened.
However, notwithstanding that…I think Clair Mooney and Seize the Day both gave excellent performances. Most of the 120 or so in attendance were appreciative in their own ways and from what I saw and experienced, most of the security, crew and the bar and reception staff at Fusion Bar/University of Sheffield were pleasant and helpful.

ALL…well, most, hands, working together then.!

Well done Nigel and friends.
