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A week is a long time in politics

Dear Sir,
The first week in September was busy politically. On Saturday 3rd a vital
“Save our NHS” demonstration starting from the Hallamshire hospital but lacked the support needed from the unions and the Labour Party. At the council meeting on the 7th a Green Party motion
calling on local MPs to vote against the Health and Social Care Bill was
passed with Labour support. Lib Dem councillors opposed the motion and hours
later Lib Dem MPs failed to act to stop the bill which passed its third
reading in the House of Commons. Five days later Ed Miliband delivered a
cynical speech to the TUC, distancing the Labour party from the unions. and on Friday Sheffield Pensioners’ Action Goup marched to defend welfare rights.
 In between was the Green Party national conference held in Sheffield at Hallam University. Unlike the  Lib Dem’s “ring of steel” it was open to the public. Campaign groups and their members were invited to
fringe meetings, five free public debates were held and the public could visit for a day for a fiver . Delegates
hit the streets to support a UK Uncut action against corporate tax avoidance. The weekly “Justice for All” vigil to protect access to legal aid was moved to outside the venue.  The public response was good and I hope it was a reminder that you can vote to elect anyone to be your councillor or MP. It’ s not  just a choice between Tory, Lib Dem and Labour.
Yours sincerely,
Cllr Robert Murphy (Green Party)

Topics: City Wide, Cuts, Health, Poverty, Rob Murphy