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Incinerator protest defiant to the end

25th May, 2001

Incinerator demo ends with arrests

25th May, 2001

Legal threat to demo

24th May, 2001

Council critical of Greenpeace demo

23rd May, 2001

From the Sheffield Star 23.05.2001 Labour Councillors and MP’s refused to back us as we campaigned with Impact and Greenpeace … Full Story »

Daredevils in protest climb

22nd May, 2001

Campaigners question pollution findings

3rd May, 2000

Burning issue for Councillors

18th March, 1999

History:1989 What’s happening to water?

7th June, 1989

In 1989 Sheffield Green Party activist Mallen Baker wrote a hard hitting report titled “What’s happening to water?” which looked … Full Story »

History:Brightside Lane warehouse fire 1984

14th December, 1984

On 14th December 1984 there was a massive fire at the National Freight Consortium warehouse  building on Brightside Lane. This … Full Story »