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Sheffield and Rotherham Green Party are opposed to all proposals to build on green belt farming land

David Hayes

David Hayes

Dear Sir

What is the justification for building 25,000 new homes when the population in areas like Rawmarsh has suffered decline not expansion ?. House purchase is beyond many low income households with even those on average household incomes in Rotherham, £21800 a year, facing an uphill struggle. These and other key indicators are in Rotherham MBC’s Strategic Housing Market Assessment from 2007.

Building new homes without any corresponding increase in employment would have to target commuters from Sheffield and elsewhere. This would further increase traffic flows in South Yorkshire and contribute nothing to the sustainable regeneration of Rotherham.

A Government announcement this week highlighted the need to grow more locally sourced food as the world faces food shortages. The conversion of land that will clearly be needed to grow food in decades to come makes no sense at all.

Sheffield and Rotherham Green Party are opposed to all proposals to build on green belt farming land We have not been as active as we would like in Rotherham in recent years but we are determined to work alongside opposition groups campaigning against these unnecessary and damaging proposals.

Yours Sincerely

David Hayes

Co- Chair Sheffield & Rotherham Green Party

Topics: David Hayes, Housing, Letters to the press