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Sheffield Central Constituency Candidates Pledge a Clean Campaign

Rob Unwin and Bernard Little sign the clean campaign pledge.The Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative candidates in Central constituency have all offered support to a Clean Campaign Pledge made by all Sheffield Green Party candidates standing in all elections held on May 6th.

Sheffield Green Party Election Agent Eamonn Ward comments :

“It was good to see Paul Blomfield, Andrew Lee and Paul Scriven respond positively when approached by the BBC on whether or not they supported our pledge. I hope they will go further and sign up to the specific wording of our pledge which will be on the front page of our website throughout the campaign with details of the signatories. I have also written to Campaign Managers to ask if they will sign up all their candidates to our pledge.

The key players in Central constituency have now said they will fight a clean campaign which can help restore public trust in politics and politicians. Central voters will be the judge of whether or not that happens in the next 3 weeks. They will get leaflets through their doors, see and hear candidates on tv and radio, read comments in papers and visit websites and online forums. Their monitoring via letters, comments and other feedback is important. Will this be a clean campaign in Sheffield ? – the people will decide whether Green Party candidates and candidates from other parties keep to their promises. “

For more information please contact Eamonn Ward on Promoted by Eamonn Ward on behalf of Sheffield Green Party, 73 Eskdale Road, Sheffield, S6 1SL

Notes :

BBC coverage can be viewed at

The wording of the pledge is :



We, the undersigned pledge :

– To fight a clean, positive and honest campaign around the issues that
concern local voters

– To tell the truth about what we stand for and have achieved, and about
what others stand for and have achieved.

– To refrain from personal attacks.
– To make only honest and reasonable promises.
– To take money only from organisations and individuals whose motives in giving us money we do not have reason to suspect.
– To sign up to and fully comply with the Sheffield City Council Electoral Code of Conduct

If elected, we pledge:

– To publish online details of all personal expenses incurred as a Member of Parliament.

– To publish online details of all office expenses incurred as a Member of Parliament.

– To publish online details of all donations of more than £1,000, in line with Electoral Commission rules.

– To appoint independent inspectors to approve expenses accounts at the end of every financial year.

– To open up the unedited expenses claims to local newspapers at the end of every financial year.

– To meet all tax liabilities such as stamp duty without claiming them from the taxpayer.

Signed by : All Sheffield Green Party candidates standing in the General Election and Council elections on May 6th 2010

Topics: Central, City Wide, Elections, Manor Castle, Nether Edge, Walkley