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Greens scotch coalition rumours

Jillian Creasy speaking at the Rally for Jobs

Sheffield Green Party has moved to scotch rumours that they will enter into
a coalition with the Lib Dems who are set to vote themselves into power at
the Town Hall next week.

Cllr Jillian Creasy, leader of the Green Group of councillors said, “On
Monday, we made a proposal to both the Lib Dems and Labour for genuine cross
party working. We wanted a Cabinet of all talents working for the good of
our divided city. Labour quickly rejected the proposal, declaring their
intention to remain in opposition.

“Cllr Paul Scriven then proposed a coalition between just the Lib Dems and
the Greens. This idea was decisively rejected by Sheffield Green Party when
it met on Wednesday evening.

“Nationally the Lib Dems have made a pact with the Conservatives and locally
they have a poor track record on privatisation, inequalities and
environmental issues, which would make it extremely difficult to work with
them. The two meetings between Green party councillors and the current Lib
Dem leadership were overshadowed by leaks to the press, which made us doubt
the seriousness of their intentions.

“The Green councillors want an effective city council, working together for
the benefit of the city. A formal commitment to cross party working between
all the parties has not been possible, but we hope that when the leader is
elected next Wednesday, he or she will instigate more open, honest and
constructive arrangements with all the opposition parties.”

Topics: City Wide, Elections, Jillian Creasy, Rob Murphy