Cllr Rob Murphy (right) with Cllr Jillian Creasy and Green campaigner Rob Unwin (left)
Sheffield Greens have expressed disappointment with the report on Parking Services Income which is due to be presented at the Highway Cabinet Member Decision Session on Thursday 10th April 2014.
And a report into a petition submitted in early February for a reduction in the cost of permits has been delayed until after the May elections. Central ward Green Councillor, Rob Murphy, comments:
“This was an opportunity for the Administration to come clean about parking income. But the report contains no figures and does not say which projects are currently being funded by the surpluses from Parking Permit Zones. It does nothing to answer the questions from local residents about how their money is being spent.’”
“The Star recently exposed how the Council was making hundreds of thousands of pounds from Parking Permit Schemes. The Green Party has been campaigning for Permit Schemes to be non-profit making.”
Further info
Agenda of Cabinet Highways Committee
Greens campaign against unfair parking charges