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Benefits under attack. Councillor Duncan Kerr on the Welfare Reform act.

On 9th January Councillor Duncan Kerr gave an excellent talk on the Welfare Reform Act. He showed that this is not “Reform” but a massive attack on the poorest people in this country. We will be campaigning vigorously against it and ask everyone with any compassion to join us in this.

You can download the slides (as a pdf) here.


Some of the organisations mentioned as our allies in the fight against these appalling cuts are

The Equality Trust (authors of The Spirit Level)

Campaign for a Fair Society

The Centre for Welfare Reform

Pat’s Petition (now closed with 62,702 signatures)

Defend Council Housing

Topics: City Wide, Council, Cuts, Disabilities, Economy, Featured, General, Housing, People with disabilities, Poverty, Pressure Groups, Public Meetings

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