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Widespread support for 20mph

robunwin144“As a parent of two small children I successfully campaigned for
traffic calming on my street. But it took years.
In Sheffield we still suffer from over 200 serious road casualties annually and the evidence indicates that reducing speeds to 20mph could significantly reduce this figure. Despite 100 potential 20mph  .
Child Safety Zones identified in the city, only 2 are going ahead each year because of the high cost of the required traffic calming measures.

However the Government has just announced that Councils no longer
need to include humps or other measures in their schemes. This means that we could have a 20 mph speed limit on all residential roads as they do in Portsmouth and are considering for Bristol, Hull and parts of London.

Knocking on doors in Sharrow and Kelham Island, I have found
widespread support for a city-wide 20mph scheme in residential
areas, excluding major routes as appropriate. I would like to see the
debate widened and for the Council to undertake a feasibility study”

Rob Unwin, Green Party Councillor Candidate for Central Ward.

Topics: City Wide, Local Campaigns, Rob Unwin, Transport