Sheffield Green Parties manifesto for the 2010 elections is available as a pdf here.
We believe strongly in:
- Investing in green jobs, with fair wages and incomes;
- Fairness for all in housing, education, health and transport;
- Helping communities work together to become closer, stronger and safer;
- Tackling action that harms others or our planet.
Jobs, the economy and equality
We are in favour of investing for a more equal society, creating jobs, increasing pensions and child benefits, and making the tax system fair.
In Sheffield we would invest over £10million from the Council to create hundreds of jobs by insulating, and installing renewable energy in, houses and council buildings across the city.
We actively support policies favouring local and independent businesses and organisations, instead of national and multinational chains.
Everyday life and public services
We argue for the investment needed for high-quality housing, education, health and other public services. We are against cuts in jobs, the privatisation of public services, mindless performance targets, and wasteful Private Finance Initiative deals.
Communities and the environment
We believe each community in Sheffield should have easy access to important local facilities, including shops, schools and post office services.
We are pressing for safer and more harmonious streets and neighbourhoods, via crime prevention measures and action to address noise nuisance.
We are pushing hard for 20mph speed limits on all residential streets in Sheffield, other than main routes, so as to improve road safety.
We would spend more on walking, cycling and public transport in Sheffield, through measures including an extra £1m on more pedestrian crossings, cycle schemes and secure bike parking, and re-regulating bus services.
We argue that reducing how much is wasted should be the priority of any waste management strategy, then dealing with waste by re-use, repair and recycling using local business and social enterprise.
A pdf of this mini manifesto leaflet can be downloaded and printed off here.
For more details of our policies see the Policy page.