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Caroline Lucas in Liverpool (part 1)

24th February, 2012

A voice for the voiceless. Peter Garbutt video

22nd January, 2012


Emasculate Capitalism- the video

22nd January, 2012

Occupy Sheffield Rally – Let’s Emasculate Capitalism!

21st January, 2012

Jillian Creasy spoke at the Rally for Occupy Sheffield, speaking out for Surestart, she said that “Women must fight the … Full Story »

Peter Garbutt on Human Rights

18th January, 2012


Pat Wormald from Amnesty International on the 10th anniversary of detainees arriving at Guantanamo

17th January, 2012

Santas protest at Station

17th December, 2011


Simon Duffy speaks to the AGM

16th December, 2011

Greens slam highways PFI as a bad deal for taxpayers

29th November, 2011

In a motion to council on December 7th Green Councillors criticise the proposed Sheffield Highways Private Finance Initiative (PFI) as … Full Story »

Greens concerned as City Centre licensing applications mount up.

31st October, 2011

  Green councillors have expressed concern about the range of businesses submitting applications to sell alcohol in Sheffield city centre. … Full Story »