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Greens support Sheffield Day of Action against ATOS

29th September, 2011

Members of Sheffield Green Party will be joining Sheffield Justice for All, and Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance in supporting Disabled People … Full Story »

Welcome Sheffield Climate Alliance

27th September, 2011

Sheffield Climate Alliance now has a website and an on-line petition. Please support!  

We do not want profit-driven companies dictating how our services are run.

25th September, 2011

Dear Sir Cllr Peter Moore is “horrified” that the contract he signed in 2001 means that Veolia may have been … Full Story »

Adrian Ramsay speech to conference (part 1)

24th September, 2011


Danny Dorling addresses the Green Party Conference on Inequality

24th September, 2011


John McInally speaks on inequality at the Green Party Conference in Sheffield

23rd September, 2011


The scandal of winter fuel allowance cuts and tax avoidance

23rd September, 2011

Dear Editor, The Energy Secretary says he is going to sort out the big energy companies. But energy bills continue … Full Story »

A week is a long time in politics

23rd September, 2011

Dear Sir, The first week in September was busy politically. On Saturday 3rd a vital “Save our NHS” demonstration starting … Full Story »

We are the Green Party

20th September, 2011

We are the Green Party. We have supported the young and young parents, through the Surestart campaign, trying to ensure … Full Story »

Campaign FOR a right of way through the station

18th September, 2011