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Sheffield Greens seek more gains in 2015 elections

24th November, 2014

Sheffield Green Party has selected candidates for the May 2015 Council elections for all 5 wards which make up Sheffield … Full Story »

Sheffield Green Party Leader to stand for Parliament.

9th November, 2014

Green Leader Steps Down to Go for Sheffield Central MP. Local Councillor Dr. Jillian Creasy has been selected by local … Full Story »

The only party offering alternatives to austerity and cuts.

10th January, 2014

The fight to prevent the proposed library service cuts in Sheffield is coming to a crucial stage. On Wednesday campaigners … Full Story »

Green Party supports demonstration against library closures

6th January, 2014

Sheffield Green Party is supporting the demonstration outside the 8th January Council meeting and urges people to make their views … Full Story »

Road safety is the big plus

17th September, 2013

Brian Webster of Sheffield Green Party issued this letter to the Sheffield Star in reply to Andrew Kirbyshaw’s on 20th … Full Story »

Crookes and Walkley Greens now on Facebook

7th June, 2013

Crookes and Walkley Greens are now on Facebook. Thanks to Davo for getting this started. Please visit and like if … Full Story »

New 20mph zones unveiled

5th June, 2013

Sheffield City Council has unveiled its new 20mph zones for Upperthorpe, Steel Bank (Walkley), Low Edges, Charnock, Woodthorpe, Spink Hall … Full Story »

20’s Plenty meeting

24th May, 2013

Sheffield Greens have long campaigned for 20 mph speed limits in all our residential streets. Please support the next 20’s … Full Story »

Vote Green in Walkley

24th April, 2012

Download the election leaflet. Vote Calvin Payne in Walkley If you don’t live in Walkley find your local candidate here.

Vote Green in Walkley

19th April, 2011

Download the election leaflet. Read more about Jim Wilson If you don’t live in Walkley, go to the area page … Full Story »