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Justice for Palestine.

30th October, 2014

Green Party conference supported an emergency motion to put pressure on Israel by actively participating in the Boycott, Disinvestment and … Full Story »

Join us for an evening of Music, Poetry and Laughter

28th October, 2014

An evening not to be missed! Please join us on Saturday November 8th for an evening of music, poetry and … Full Story »

Celebrating Modern Feminism at the Off the Shelf festival

21st October, 2014

Laura Bates is back on November 22nd to curate a day of events “Celebrating Modern Feminism” at Sheff University Students … Full Story »

Farmageddon at the Off the Shelf Festival

21st October, 2014

Farmageddon is an eye opening examination of the quiet revolution of mega-farming that is threatening our countryside, farms and food. … Full Story »

Greens attend Air Quality and Health conference

21st October, 2014

A number of Sheffield Green Party members attended the Air Quality and Health Conference on October 17th, which was organised … Full Story »

Poverty in Sheffield today. Saturday 29th November

19th October, 2014

Our friends at The People’s Assembly, Church Action on Poverty and Sheffield Equality have got together to organise a meeting … Full Story »

Why do the Unions continue to fund the Labour Party?

18th October, 2014

Many health staff are relying on food banks or having to take second jobs tomake ends meet. Most people think … Full Story »

News from Kelham Island

16th October, 2014


Save independent shops on Devonshire Street

14th October, 2014

Save independent shops on Devonshire Street! Green Councillors want the city council to do more to support independent businesses. The … Full Story »

Broadcasters plans fail the electorate and democracy.

13th October, 2014

Sheffield Green Party is disappointed by major network providers‘ decision to exclude the Green Party from the general election television … Full Story »