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Re elect Rob Murphy in Central Ward

29th April, 2012

We wont calm down!

28th April, 2012

Councillor Jillian Creasy’s speech to the march against sexism.   As women, we refuse to calm down. Women are oppressed … Full Story »

Vote Green in Gleadless Valley

25th April, 2012

Vote for Steve Barnard in Gleadless Valley Download the Election Leaflet If you don’t live in Gleadless Valley find your … Full Story »

Vote Green in Ecclesall

24th April, 2012

Download the election leaflet Vote Arun Mathur in Ecclesall If you don’t live in Ecclesall find your local candidate here.

Vote Green in Walkley

24th April, 2012

Download the election leaflet. Vote Calvin Payne in Walkley If you don’t live in Walkley find your local candidate here.

Vote Green in Nether Edge

23rd April, 2012

Vote for Rob Cole in Nether Edge Download the Election Leaflet If you don’t live in Nether Edge find your … Full Story »

Greens support Remploy demo

21st April, 2012

On Friday Greens supported the demonstration of Remploy workers whose factories are threatened with closure. Green Councillor Rob Murphy, who … Full Story »

Dr Jillian Creasy speaks at the Save our NHS demo

24th March, 2012

Caroline Lucas in Liverpool (part 1)

24th February, 2012

Is the City of London ignorant or just plain callous?

29th October, 2011

While everyone else is struggling with cuts the FTSE 100 confirms worse fears; the rich are getting richer while everyone … Full Story »